Eugene Svetlichny. "Babai: paint mythologemes."

Exhibition November 6 − December 8, 2019
The YermilovCentre Kharkov Center for Contemporary Art hosts an exhibition of Evgeny SvetlichnyBabai: painting mythologemes". The project arose at the intersection of three spheres that were consonant with the author’s worldview - the metaphysical tension between the “culture – history – geography” of the native land. "Babai" became an artifact in which personal and national history came to life.

Eugene Svetlichny was born in 1948 in Lithuania. Graduated from Kiev State Art Institute. Associate Professor, Department of Fine and Decorative Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Kharkov National University of Construction and Architecture. Member of international and national exhibitions. Works are stored in the USA, Bolivia and private collections in Germany, Portugal and many other countries of the world. Lives and works in Kharkov.

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