Alexandra Larscon-Jacobson and Maria Kulikovskaya. Flowers

Exhibition December 6, 2019 − February 1, 2020
Kiev Shcherbenko Art Center presents the project "Flowers". The exhibition includes the work of the Swedish artist Alexandra Larsson-Jacobson in a dialogue with the works of Maria Kulikovskaya. Artists simultaneously explore the concept of the human shell as a metaphor for socio-political relations in society. The figurative and substantial content of the exhibition is centered around the complex concept proposed by the authors of the Body-Skin-Shell-Membrane-Skin-Woman Color.

Alexandra Larscon-Jacobson was born in 1982 in Sweden. She graduated from the Stockholm School of Photography and the Umeå Academy of Fine Arts. The artist's projects were presented in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Slovakia, the USA and Thailand. Lives and works in Stockholm.

Maria Kulikovskaya was born in 1988 in the Crimea. She graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture and the Royal Institute of Fine Arts (Stockholm, Sweden). The works were presented in Ukraine, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Spain, as well as other countries. Lives in Kiev and Stockholm.