47 Ronin. Legend as an art. Japanese engraving

Exhibition December 13, 2019 − January 26, 2020
State Museum of the East invites you to visit the exhibition"47 Ronin. Legend as an art. Japanese engraving from the collection of Cyril Danelia ".

The exhibition features more than sixty engravings of the 19th century, dedicated to one of the most popular subjects of Japanese history and theater drama - the history and legend of forty-seven faithful ronins, from the collection of Cyril Danelia.

They represent different schools and directions of this multifaceted art, several generations of renowned masters of the theater and heroic engraving genre. Among the artists represented at the exhibition are Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III) (1786-1865), Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861), Toyohara Chikanobu (1838-1912) and others. Many prints will be presented for the first time in Russia for the first time.

Based on site materialsState Museum of East.