The nature of binary

Exhibition December 10, 2019 − January 12, 2020
In the gallery "On Kashirka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" an exhibition of works by young artists"The nature of binary".

The exhibition presents works (painting, graphics, sculpture, installation, photo and digital art) of young promising authors, their mentors and recognized masters of modern art.

For the exhibition provided works created in two workshops. The workshop “Self and Facelessness” (headed by A. Artamonov) presents works in which the breadth of modern youth’s ideas about the world is manifested, their attitude to being, determined by the diversity of the ethnocultural field and new socio-economic conditions, while at the same time exposing the universal human psychological basis independent of concrete historical changes. In the workshop "Creation and Destruction" (headed by A. Zhernoklyuev), artists try to understand the boundaries of destruction and creation, to determine the relationship between the subtle matters of aesthetic, ethical, national, religious, physical materialism.

Based on site materialsGalleries "On Kashirka".
Galleries at the exhibition