From sand and clay ... Exhibition of works by Ilya Tabenkin

Exhibition December 14, 2019 − January 12, 2020
The Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery hosts an exhibition of nonconformist artist Ilya Lvovich Tabenkin"Of sand and clay ..."from the collection of Lyubov Agafonova and private collections.

The exposition presents more than 50 works, among which are both paintings that made the artist famous, abstract still lifes, and graphic works of the 1970-80s.

Feature still lifes I.L. Tabenkina - the impact on the viewer with rhythm, color, scale. Large and small forms, embedded in a shallow space, gain new constructivity, genuine architectonics. Using a wide calm brushstroke, the author convincingly reveals the possibility of a still life as a model of the universe. True interest in the author began to grow in the late 1980s. He was the only artist of his generation to participate in the 1988 Sotheby's auction in Moscow.

Based on site materialsRussian Academy of Arts.
Galleries at the exhibition

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