Modigliani - Picasso. The Revolution of Primitivism

Exhibition September 18, 2020 − January 10, 2021
Albertina Gallery will honor Amedeo Modigliani as the main retrospective dedicated to the 100th anniversary of his death.

For the first time, Modigliani will be seen not as a Bohemian under the influence of alcohol and drugs, but as a leading avant-garde artist who brought the revolution of primitivism far into the twentieth century.

Premiere of thisExhibitionsheld in Austria with its famous nudes and outstanding portraits, as well as with his sculptures, which are rarely found in museums throughout Europe. The exhibition will feature works from major state museums.

Particular attention will be paid to the study of the art of primitivism throughout the life of the artist. Thus, the work of Modigliani will be combined with the characteristic key works of such artists as Pablo Picasso, Constantine Brancusi and Andre Derain.

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