Durer's Travels

Exhibition February 13, 2021 − January 14, 2022
"Durer's Travels"- the first major British exhibition of the German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer for the past almost 20 years.

Thanks to paintings, drawings, prints and letters, this exhibition tells about Dürer’s travels in Europe, reviving the artist himself, as well as the people and places he visited.

Drawing up a schedule of his trips to the Alps, Italy, Venice and the Netherlands, the exhibition will tell how Dürer travels caused an exchange of ideas with artists from the Netherlands and the Italian Renaissance, fueled his curiosity and creativity, and also increased his fame and influence in Europe.

Dürer Travels will collect loans from museums and private collections around the world.
Galleries at the exhibition
Albrecht Durer. Die Flucht von Lots Familie aus Sodom
Die Flucht von Lots Familie aus Sodom
1496, 50×39 cm
Digital copy
Albrecht Durer. Madonna und Kind
Madonna und Kind
1490-er , 52×42 cm
Digital copy
Albrecht Durer. Heiliger Hieronymus
Heiliger Hieronymus
1497, 23.1×17.4 cm
All artworks at the exhibition

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