Klunder. Graphics

Exhibition September 1 − December 3, 2017
In the State Pushkin Museum opened the first ever monographic exhibition of the Russian artist Alexander Clynder (1802-1874/75). Exhibition "Klunder. Graphics"opens the General public, the name "forgotten" artist, to create an extensive portrait gallery of the Moscow society of Russia in the mid XIX century.

Alexander Clynder not been among the best portrait painters of the XIX century, in his watercolors almost impossible to capture the inner world of the characters. Klunder was inherent in the people, good skills in watercolour and the speed of execution of orders, which made him for his time quite a popular artist. But in the history of Russian art his name is known, primarily, due to the fact that he twice posed for the poet Mikhail Lermontov.

The exhibition consists of 159 original watercolor portraits of Klunder. Most of them the audience will see for the first time. The exhibition organizers have set themselves a serious task – for the first time to bring together the artist's works, scattered in museums and private collections. In the preparation of the project managed to keep scraps of information about the life of Alexander Klunder and almost completely track the artist's creative path – from the early portraits of the 1820s years before his photographic experiments forty years later.

The project was attended by 20 Russian museums, including all the leading – The State Hermitage Museum, Russian Museum, Tretyakov gallery, Historical Museum, The Pushkin Museum. A. S. Pushkin. In addition, several works were provided by private collectors.

On the official website State Museum of A. S. Pushkin.
Galleries at the exhibition
Александр Иванович Клюндер (Клиндер). Портрет М.Ю. Лермонтова в гусарском сюртуке
Портрет М.Ю. Лермонтова в гусарском сюртуке
Александр Иванович Клюндер (Клиндер). Портрет трубачей лейб-гвардии Гусарского полка
Портрет трубачей лейб-гвардии Гусарского полка
Александр Иванович Клюндер (Клиндер). Портрет неизвестного в черкеске
Портрет неизвестного в черкеске
Александр Иванович Клюндер (Клиндер). Портрет императора Николая I
Портрет императора Николая I
Александр Иванович Клюндер (Клиндер). Портрет А.С. Пушкина
Портрет А.С. Пушкина
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