With a gun and the lyre. Hunting and Russian literature

Exhibition August 23 − December 3, 2017
State Museum of A. S. Pushkin to his 60 anniversary has prepared a number of prominent events, among which a special place is occupied by the exhibition "With a gun and the lyre. Hunting and Russian literature".

This original exhibition brought together Russian writers and poets of the XVIII – XX centuries – from Alexander Sumarokov and Derzhavin Gabriel to Victor Astafeva and Alexander Vampilov – common "hunting" theme. The exhibition allows us to see the works of Russian writers in an unexpected way: through the prism of their personal Hobbies and hunting flavor.

For many of the classics of Russian literature, hunting and fishing was a favorite holiday. Someone from writers loved to stay in the company of hunters who listen to around the campfire hunting tales, stock up on impressions. Some, such as Nekrasov, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Sholokhov, they themselves were avid, passionate hunters and fishermen. One way or another, but hunting was reflected in the literary work of each of them.

The structure of the exhibition is the juxtaposition of two worlds: the world of nature and the world of man, their confrontation and the merger. The exhibition space consists of 4 rooms, each filled with themed exhibits, hunting trophies and supplemented with sound effects corresponding to the different hunting seasons.
At the exhibition you will see: hunting gear and guns I. S. Turgenev, A. N. Tolstoy, M. Sholokhov; men's and ladies ' saddles for hound hunting of Nekrasov Karabikha, unusual chair where he loved to fish the playwright A. N. Ostrovsky; the boots, in which came hundreds of kilometers over the vast homeland "singer of Russian nature" by M. M. Prishvin; favorite rod is an avid fisherman, K. G. Paustovsky and many other equally interesting exhibits.

This large-scale project organized by the State Museum of A. S. Pushkin and the State Literary Museum. The exhibits for the exhibition provided the largest historic reserves, and literary-art museums, state library and archives of the country.

On the official website State Museum of A. S. Pushkin.
Galleries at the exhibition