Bruce Nauman. Journey through groundbreaking work

Exhibition October 6, 2020 − January 17, 2021
Tate Modern Gallery invites you to visit the exhibition“Bruce Nauman. Journey through groundbreaking work ”.

For the first time in the last 20 years, London viewers will see a large exposition of the artist's works, famous for poetic and innovative sculptures, immersive installations and neon figures. The works cover the period from the 1970s to the present day.

Bruce Nauman is rightfully considered an artist-inventor. Since the late 1960s, he has been relentlessly experimenting with materials and primary sources of creating works of art, creating new forms and concepts. Innovative works of the author, including using modern technologies, neon, sound, holograms, had a huge impact on the generation of artists of the late XX - early XXI centuries. By his own admission, the author never repeats himself in his work.

Prepared by materialsGalleries Tate Modern.