Dark times. An artist between adaptation and resistance

Exhibition May 12 − September 6, 2020
Murnau State Castle Museum holds an exhibition“Dark times. An artist between adaptation and resistance ”.

The exhibition presents the works of Franz Marc, Paul Klee, Kete Kolwitz, Otto Dix, Karl Rabus, Kuno Fischer, Max Beckmann, Gabriele Münter and other authors, illustrating the gloomy forebodings of artists of the 19th century that were embodied in the 20th century: two world wars and the split of Germany .

The works illustrate the events in chronological order with present references to a longer period: Francisco de Goya and Hans Angerer, Kete Kolwitz and Max Klinger, Rita de Muynck and Albrecht Dürer also embodied the disturbing social moods of their time in their works.

Based on site materialsMurnau State Castle Museum.