Pablo Picasso. War years 1939-1945

Exhibition February 15 − July 26, 2020
North Rhine-Westphalia Art Collection presents exhibition“Pablo Picasso. The war years 1939-1945 ".

The exposition contains more than 70 works by the Spanish artist - paintings, sculptures, illustrations, paper decorations, as well as photographs of Picasso and archival documents illustrating the historical authenticity of events in the life and work of the artist.

In a specially designed room and using documents and modern technologies, the exhibition provides an opportunity to get a more complete picture of the life of a famous artist during the Second World War. In his many works, Picasso reacts to the threats of that time: in the works of this period, deformations of bodies, dark gloomy colors, skulls of people and animals appear.

Based on site materialsNorth Rhine-Westphalia Art Collection.

Galleries at the exhibition