Jewelry! Shine of the Russian court

Exhibition June 1 − November 3, 2020

The Hermitage Amsterdam Exhibition Center resumes the exhibition"Jewelry! Shine of the Russian court ".

The exposition consists of more than 300 masterpieces from the collection of the State Hermitage: unique jewelry by Cartier, Lalique and Tiffany, the court jeweler Faberge and many other masters. Visitors will see magnificent costumes, luxurious ball gowns and other personal items, as well as a gallery of portraits - all this will tell about the two-century history of high society in Russia and St. Petersburg.

The “Star” at the exhibition is a bouquet of flowers from precious stones by Jeremiah Pozier. It was this master who was the most significant St. Petersburg jeweler of the mid-18th century and had the title of court jeweler: among his customers were members of the imperial family, courtiers, and St. Petersburg nobility.

Visitors will be able to appreciate the best portraits and learn about the life of Russian emperors and empresses, first of all - about the powerful Elizabeth Petrovna and Catherine the Great. The company of the Russian empresses will be Anna Pavlovna, daughter of Paul I, Queen of the Netherlands from 1840 to 1849. Together with the Romanovs, the aristocratic families of the 18th – early 20th centuries “shine”. Together, they were national - and even interethnic - trendsetters.

Prepared by the materials of the site of the Exhibition CenterHermitage Amsterdamand siteState Hermitage Museum.

Galleries at the exhibition