Broodthaers office

Exhibition June 29 − December 31, 2020
Museum of Contemporary Art, Ghent (SMAK) presents an exhibition"Office of Broodthaers".

The exhibition, containing works of art, books, archival materials and documents, is dedicated to the creative and social activities of Marcel Broodthaers, a key figure in Belgian art of the 20th century.

Marcel Broodthaers, a Belgian artist, poet and film director, was a breakthrough in mid-20th century European art. So he placed unsold copies of a collection of his poems in plaster, not only making it impossible to read them, but also creating an art object - one of the most important assets of the museum's collection. Visitors will be able to discover the author's extraordinary humor and poetry, study his influence on contemporary art.

Based on site materialsMuseum of Modern Art (SMAK).

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