The State Russian Museum holds an exhibition
“Alexander Benois. To the 150th anniversary of his birth ".
The halls of the museum display paintings and graphic works of the master from the collection of the Russian Museum - historical and genre compositions, landscapes, book illustrations, theatrical sketches. The exposition will include the famous series of paintings and watercolors "The Last Walks of Louis XIV" and other compositions dedicated to plots and images of Russian and foreign history, as well as sketches for ballet performances.
The term “Silver Age” of Russian culture is associated with the name of Alexander Benois, a prominent representative of the World of Art association. He is a highly educated, talented artist who has manifested himself in various fields of humanitarian activity. His paintings and drawings, theatrical sketches, illustrations for classical Russian literature, cycles of critical articles on the fine arts, theater and music, works on the history of Russian and European art formed the aesthetic consciousness of people in the early twentieth century.
Based on the official website
The State Russian Museum.