Raphael Line. 1520 - 2020

Exhibition December 10, 2020 − March 28, 2021
The State Hermitage is holding an exhibition “Raphael's Line. 1520–2020 "dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the death of Raphael Santi (1483-1520) and dedicated to the phenomenon of his influence on European art from the 16th century to the present day.

The large-scale exposition includes more than 300 objects of painting, graphics, sculpture and applied art from the collections of the Hermitage and twelve collections of Russia and Western Europe. Among them are both famous masterpieces and previously unknown works. Dozens of paintings and drawings leave the museum's funds for the first time and are shown to the public, and a number of exhibits are exhibited after painstaking restoration in the workshops of the Hermitage.

The line chosen as the central metaphor for the exhibition is the embodiment of interconnection, tradition, dialogue. This line will bring together the works of Raphael, Giulio Romano, Parmigianino, Poussin, Rubens, Mengs, Ivanov, Venetsianov, Ingres, Corot and Picasso - and beyond, up to the artists of our day.

The main premiere of the exhibition is eight monumental frescoes of the Raphael school from the Hermitage collection, which will be presented to the public for the first time after the restoration started in 2015, which revealed the original author's painting. Some of the frescoes have not yet undergone restoration, others are in the process of being unveiled, and still others are almost complete. All of them will become part of the exposition: for the first time in the history of the museum, viewers are given the opportunity to observe the different stages of the revival of the monument as a kind of mystery that is never shown to the public.

Prepared based on materials from the official website of the museum The State Hermitage Museum.