Novosibirsk State Art Museum invites visitors to the exhibition
“Pavel Filonov and his students. From the collection of the State Russian Museum ".
The exposition includes 18 paintings by the master and 41 graphic works. The second section (48 works) introduces the work of his most devoted students and followers, who selflessly followed him, supporting his analytical art workshop, among them - Tatyana Glebova, Alisa Poret, Boris Gurvich, Sofya Zaklikovskaya, Vsevolod Sulimo-Samuylo, Pavel Kondratyev other.
Almost all periods of the artist's life and work are presented in the exhibition halls of the Novosibirsk State Art Museum, and this allows us to trace how his idea of analytical art developed. Pavel Filonov can be compared with Pablo Picasso in the scale of creativity, in the concept and pictorial philosophy that was proposed to him.
Based on site materials
Novosibirsk State Art Museum.