
Exhibition 4 − March 19, 2021
4 bereznya Mykolaiv Regional Art Museum im. V.V. Vereshchagina, I will ask you to see Natallia Polinkevich's personal show "Rozkvitannya".
From the dynasty, the beauty of the navkolishny svitu gave the artist a nod on the set of poetic rows. Already in 2019, there was a poetic zbirka "Basilik i m'yata", and in 2015, the rock got involved in painting, like a shake of the inner light at Kolori. The artist vvazhaє: “A good artwork gives a runt for thinking, sponking in your own mind, that you have seen it, you have got krila or it’s gotten from glybin. So we know myself. "
Mainrina during the 2018-2020 years took part in twenty All-Ukrainian and International group shows. Robots are taken from private collections not only in Ukraine, but also in Turechchyna, Italia, Slovakia.
On the 4th birch, Mikolaivts will have a good time to show the artist's robots in one place - at the personal exhibition "Rozkvitannya" at the Art Museum. V.V. Vereshchagina
Galleries at the exhibition