This fall, one of the most famous exhibits of the National gallery in London — "a Portrait of the couple Arnolfini" Jan van Eyck — demonstrated for the first time together with the works of pre-Raphaelites and their successors. Exhibition
"Reflections: van Eyck and the pre-Raphaelites" shows the deep influence of this masterpiece of XV century of Brotherhood members and sheds light on how four centuries later, the young British artists responded to one of the most interesting features of the painting is the convex mirror.
Key-Raphaelite painting for the exhibition "Reflection" has provided the Tate Britain. Among them — "Mariana" (1851) John Everett Millais, "Youth of the virgin Mary" (1848 — 1849) and "Lucrezia Borgia" (1860/1), Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the "Awakened shame" (1853) and "Sweet doing nothing" (1866) William Holman hunt, "Beautiful Isolde" (1858) is the only complete piece of easel painting in the work of William Morris. In addition, the exhibition can be seen by their followers of William Orpen, Mark Gertler and Charles Shannon, who in the early 1900-ies also included mirrors in their self-portraits and interiors.
This landmark exhibition gives viewers a unique opportunity to see these paintings next to the work that inspired them.