Picasso: periods of genius

Exhibition February 25 − April 29, 2021
Kharkiv Art Museum holds an exhibition "Picasso: Periods of Genius".

The exposition consists of 27 prints by the artist and video art. Almost every decade, the artist began to create in a completely different manner, plastic and color. The digital exhibition covers all periods of the work of the brilliant Picasso. The most striking thematic and storylines are expressively presented with the help of video and music.

The history of art knows not so many masters who were recognized as classics during their lifetime. In the XX century, it is undoubtedly Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), whose creative career is considered one of the longest. It is almost 80 years old, so it is not surprising that during this time the artist gravitated towards experiments - from classicism and naturalism to cubism and surrealism.

Based on site materials Kharkiv Art Museum.

Galleries at the exhibition