Russian landscape Alexander Tkachenko

Exhibition February 26 − April 4, 2021
In the halls of the Primorsky State Art Gallery, a retrospective exhibition of Alexander Vasilievich Tkachenkocelebrating the 90th anniversary this year - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, Academician of the Chinese-Russian Academy of Fine Arts, laureate of the V.I. Surikov All-Russian creative public organization "Union of Artists of Russia".

The exposition features more than fifty canvases: twelve from the collection of the Primorsky State Art Gallery, the rest from the author's workshop.
The artist depicts the beauty of Russian nature, sometimes literally transferring the viewer to the chosen place, making it possible to feel the atmosphere of the moment. In large and small canvases, he strove to convey the elevation of his worldview, a sense of cheerfulness and fullness of life, to open to people the world of his feelings and many moods - from epic, monumental-majestic to soft, chamber, lyrical.

Tkachenko's goal is not to write off something from nature, but, having studied it, to express your attitude towards it, to create a living, life-affirming artistic image. At the exhibition, one is amazed at the variety of themes and stylistic techniques used by the master. It becomes clear how different the perception of nature can be, and what different tasks the landscape genre can solve.

Based on site materials Seaside State Art Gallery.