Alexander Ivanov. Bible sketches. Miracles and preaching of Christ

Exhibition June 18 − November 14, 2021
The State Tretyakov Gallery holds an exhibition "Alexander Ivanov. Bible sketches. Miracles and sermons of Christ ".

The exhibition "Miracles and Preaching of Christ" is dedicated to the period of Jesus' life, which is called the time of his public ministry. The exposition includes works on the themes of baptism, vocation of disciples, miracles, including the famous masterpiece of the artist - a sketch "Walking on Waters (Christ saves Peter who began to sink)". A significant place belongs to watercolor sheets with scenes of conversations, prophecies, sermons, among them "Christ and the Samaritan woman", "Christ and Nicodemus", "Christ's sermon in the temple."

As conceived by Ivanov, the sketches were intended for their future embodiment in wall paintings "in a building specially dedicated to that, of course, not in a church." The Gospel theme - “the life and deeds of Christ” - was to appear surrounded by images of Old Testament, historical and mythological scenes, as well as biblical texts. The compositions of the paintings formed a complex system of parallels, interconnections and comparisons. In "Biblical Sketches" Ivanov's complex artistic and philosophical searches were expressed, connected with the most important questions for him - about the artist's mission, about the role of art and its impact on the moral and spiritual transformation of the world.

Based on the official website The State Tretyakov Gallery.