Emotionalism. Empire of Light

Exhibition July 8 − August 8, 2021
Arts Square Gallery holds an exhibition "Emotionalism. Empire of Light.".

The exhibition includes works by seven emotionalist artists. The movement, whose founder and ideological inspirer is the artist Demetri Semakov, was formed in 2010 between Moscow, Berlin and New York - the participants were united by the idea of emotions as the main means of communication between the artist and the viewer. The project brings together works that focus on the exploration of the theme of light and its influence on human perception and emotions. For the exhibition in the gallery the artists chose works in which light is the basis of visual art and life.

Emotionalists insist on the primacy of sensual cognition and the free inclusion of the intellect. Artists do not imply substitution of meaning, distortion or deconstruction of reality, only direct emotional contact.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Arts Square Gallery.