Alexei Novikov. Your View

Exhibition June 12 − August 15, 2021
Yaroslavl Art Museum invites you to visit the exhibition "Alexei Novikov. His View.".

The viewers will meet the paintings of the artist-nonconfessionalist, which are distinguished by their original composition, the originality of colors in the denial of the canonical principles of depicting objects. Paintings built on contrasts of bright spots of color or almost monochrome, are attractive, like a distinct, memorable melody. Simplicity of composition and ordinariness of the motif, parsimony of plastic means give the works a special collectedness and monumentality.

The world of Alexei Novikov, far from the bustle of the city, seems another dimension, in which life goes very different laws. The author returns to it again and again, as if to the dreams of his childhood, where reality and fantasy are spinning, in a vast space, above the ground, carefree and free... Here time has stopped. The heroes of the multi-colored towns and villages of Central Russia are kind, similar to each other, sometimes funny, harmless people. They live in a conventional world where everyone knows each other, all good neighbors.

Prepared according to the materials of the website Yaroslavl Art Museum.