Francisco Goya: "I saw it myself..." (18+)

Exhibition May 14 − August 8, 2021
The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia holds an exhibition "Francisco Goya: 'I saw it myself...'".

The exhibition is dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the artist's birth and presents the viewers with etchings from the series "Disasters of War" (80 works) and "Tavromakhia" (40 works).

"Disasters of War" was created in 1810-1815, during the wars of national liberation against the Napoleonic invasion and the first Spanish revolution. Goya portrayed his compatriots in a period of social upheaval, courageous resistance to the enemy, distress and loss. The artist's innovation is evident in his vision of the war as a universal disaster, rather than a series of great battles and resounding victories, which is a kind of artistic forerunner of Tolstoy's War and Peace.

The Tavromachia series was created in 1815. Goya intended these etchings as illustrations for a work by Nicolás Fernández de Moratin, A Historical Treatise on the Origin and Development of Bullfighting in Spain (1777). Subsequently, however, the author revised the original idea and supplemented the storyline with personal impressions and memories of bullfighting not mentioned by Moratin. Goya has enveloped bullfighting in a tragic form, showing the viewer the cruel games with the death of the famous bullfighters of his time, the game of human emotions in moments of proximity to death and the triumph of victory.

Prepared according to the materials of the website State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia.