Magritte's car

Exhibition September 14, 2021 − January 30, 2022
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum presents the exhibition "Magritte's car.".

This is the first retrospective in Madrid dedicated to René Magritte (1898-1967) since the exhibition organised by the Juan March Foundation in 1989. The exhibition brings together over 90 paintings. The exhibition is divided into the following sections: 1. Magician's Powers; 2. Image and Word; 3. Drawing and Background; 4. Picture and Window; 5. Face and Mask; 6. Mimicry and 7. Mania of grandeur.

The title "Magritte's Machine" underscores the recurring combinatorial element present in the work of the great surrealist artist, whose haunting themes constantly appear in countless variations. The exhibition of paintings is complemented by an installation in the Balcony Gallery on the ground floor of the museum, featuring a selection of photographs and amateur films made by the artist himself.

Prepared according to the materials of the website of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum.

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