Antonio He. The mirror of the soul

Exhibition January 25 − March 11, 2018
In the Museum of contemporary history in Moscow has opened a retrospective exhibition of one of the most controversial masters of Italian art of XX century "Antonio He. The mirror of the soul».

Critics called the painter and sculptor Antonio He a brilliant self-taught, a remarkable expressionist. Never studied, far from artistic movements and academies, the artist has made art my outlet, a way of being in the big world, which caused him much pain and suffering.

Of he, lived his life detached and lonely. In his work he depicted what was bugging him, spilling my feelings onto the canvas. One of the leading themes in the artist's work - the struggle for life in which the strongest wins. In many paintings the theme of doom passed flies and skull.

Heaviest suffering, will release the artist's life, expressed in self-portraits: in them he cries out loud in pain like a wounded animal, painting allows tormented soul to find a voice and freedom. Paintings, He filled with anxiety, loneliness, instinctive struggle for existence, the desire to win a place in the sun, a desperate desire to find love and friendship – something without which can not do any one person, in whatever era he lived.

Viewers first see more than 70 works of paintings artist and expressive sculptural work cast in bronze by originals, which were created from the clay of the river Po.

On the official website The state Central Museum of contemporary history of Russia.