Exhibition 14 − February 25, 2018
The exhibition opens up a very familiar subject of love with unusual angle, drawing a parallel between human relationships and the way of eternal swing. Swing is synonymous of life, propelling the mysterious and powerful force in the universe – love.
Each sculpture is a small reflection of the immense love of the universe. The exhibition will allow each viewer to directly meet with the "Casanova" - the most charismatic and well-known lover of European history, "Madonna" - of the idealized female perfection, combining in himself all the wonderful and terrible quality of the weaker sex, and even "a Pair of lunatics" - are inseparable lovers who recognize their freedom from each other and therefore hold very loose views on the world.
Laughter and irony – always up to date "neutralizing tools" allowing Weld Queen to avoid excessive pathos in the conversation on such a difficult and often extremely intimate topic. The exhibition "Rocking" - a multi-level game thinking, inviting each viewer to become a participant of the "world drama" love and boldly "to swing on the waves" its exciting action.