Corot. The artist and his model

Exhibition February 8 − July 8, 2018
Exhibition"Corot. The artist and his model" in the musée Marmottan Mans devoted to portraits of the master, who became famous primarily as a great painter. This is the first for the last 22 years monographic exhibition in Paris since kopnoi retrospective held in 1996 at the Grand Palace. A selection of sixty paintings reveals to the viewer the most intimate, secret and modern aspects of the artist's works.

The curators managed to collect a truly unique exhibition of works from prestigious public and private collections in Europe and the United States. The paintings provided the Louvre, the national gallery in London, the Metropolitan Museum of art in new York, the national gallery in Washington, the Kunsthalle in Hamburg, the Belvedere in Vienna and the bührle Foundation in Zurich. Viewers can see next to such masterpieces as the famous "Woman with a pearl" and "Lady in blue" from the collection of the Louvre, as well as the spectacular "Italian" from the National gallery in London, which some time was owned by Lucian Freud. Besides these, in the halls of the Museum other paintings – no less gorgeous, but much less appearing in public – for example, Nude models.

Part of the exhibition is devoted to portraits of family members isopescu and paintings, reveals the secrets of his workshop. Among the latter are images of some of the most famous models of the time, for example, Emma Daubigny. Some of them posed for Claude Manet and Edgar Degas.

Although Corot mostly prefer to write female characters, part of famous works, especially monumental portraits painted at the end of life, was represented by monks engaged in reading or playing music, and men in armor.
Камиль Коро. Прерванное чтение
Прерванное чтение
1870, 92.5×65.1 см
Цифрова копія
Камиль Коро. Отдых
1870, 57.8×101.6 см
Цифрова копія
Камиль Коро. Вакханка с пантерой
Вакханка с пантерой
1860, 54.6×95.3 см
Цифрова копія
Камиль Коро. Монах с виолончелью
Монах с виолончелью
1874, 51 см
Цифрова копія
Камиль Коро. Молодая гречанка у фонтана
Молодая гречанка у фонтана
Цифрова копія
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