Alex and Andreas Jawlensky. Adventure color

Exhibition February 22 − April 10, 2018
The state Russian Museum invites visitors to the exhibition of the talented father and son "Alex and Andreas Jawlensky. Adventures in color". The exhibition consists of more than 100 paintings artists, as well as documentary and archival materials.

Alexei von Jawlensky – Russian artist-expressionist of world renown, his works adorn the exposition of the major museums of many countries.

Jawlensky, Sr. was a contemporary, like-minded friend Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Gabriela Munter and other famous artists of the first quarter of the twentieth century. He studied with Ilya Repin, with admiration to the works of Valentin Serov, Konstantin Korovin and other masters of realism and impressionism.

Most of his life the artist lived and worked in Germany, leaving there in 1896. Your art classes Jawlensky continued in the ažbe school in Munich, where he also studied his fellow artists Igor Grabar, Dmitry Kardovsky, Marianne Verevkina (first common-law wife Yavlensky).

The exhibition at the Russian Museum showcases the work Yavlenskogo in the context of the work of his Russian contemporaries. But it's safe to say that Alexei Jawlensky whole life was completely original artist with his own unique style and themes. In the last years of his life Alexei Jawlensky, referring to iconography, created a series of works inspired by religious art.

Andreas Jawlensky was the son of Alexei Jawlensky, until 1923 bore the mother's surname (the second official wife of the artist Elena Zhukova Neznakomoi). No less gifted than his father, he has long been in its shadow, although I began to show my work at exhibitions. His life was not easy: during the Second world war, Andreas was drafted into the German army and served as a translator on the Eastern front, where in 1945 he was captured as a Russian was accused of anti-Soviet activities and later spent 10 years in Soviet prison camps in Siberia.

As an artist, Jawlensky, Jr. was interested in the world around us — nature, people, life. His works are full of color, sun, air. Having a distinctive style and a kind of thematic repertoire, the works of Andreas Jawlensky present a very interesting page in European art of the mid-twentieth century.

On the official website The state Russian Museum and website