Mykhailo Dzyndra. Through the thorns to the stars

Exhibition April 20 − June 5, 2018
Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern art invites you to visit its cozy patio, where exhibited works famous Ukrainian masters of sculpture mikhayla Jindri (1921 — 2006).

A graduate of the art and industrial school in Lviv, Dzyndra from his youth became a supporter of the latest formalistic achievements in the world of art, denying the passive method of the frame. Sharp in his statements, persistent attitudes, future modernist realized that the Soviet power will destroy him for dissent — and headed West. He went to Slovakia, then moved to Germany. After ideological crisis Mykhailo Dzyndra destroyed all his realistic works and went to America to devote his creativity and abstract sculpture.

Dzyndra almost never earned a living by selling sculptures. Three months in the year, he worked as a Builder: I bought a running housing, developed the project of reconstruction and implemented. Earned during this time, the money he was missing for the other nine months to give "pure art." Mykhailo became a recognized artist, his work has been exhibited in many cities of the United States, he entered the "top ten new York group of Ukrainian artists." After the collapse of the USSR, Mykhailo Dzyndra returned to Ukraine and created under Lviv Museum of modern sculpture, which was brought from USA more than 800 of his works.