Exhibition October 11 − December 31, 2014
I was always curious to see a picture where she is born in the artist's Studio. Very often we are deprived of this opportunity, we see a picture in the Museum or exhibition hall, sometimes on the wall of a gallery or home. But here she is already living her life, she is by herself among the works of other artists and it inevitably affects its perception, depth of understanding, evaluation.
In the Studio everything is different. Talking to the artist, looking at how he lives and works become easier to understand the origins and the meaning of what he's doing, better understand his work.
This is what I want to show this modest virtual exhibition showing you the raw images of the paintings of Eugene Altynov in the interior of his Studio.
As far as I could judge you. I would be grateful for feedback.
In the end (although should in the beginning) is a little about the artist.
Evgeny Altynov - painter, artist of the theatre.
Born in 1947. Graduated from the Krasnoyarsk art school named C. I. Surikov (1963), the Krasnoyarsk art school named after C. I. Surikov (1968), art and production Department (workshop C. D. Afanasyev) Leningrad state Institute of theatre, music and cinematography (1973).
Honored artist of the Russian Federation. Member of artists and theatre Union of Russia.
Since 1966 participates in regional, zonal and all-Union art exhibitions. As an artist-producer has delivered more than 150 performances.
Galleries at the exhibition