Special fund. Repressed art

Exhibition September 21 − November 19, 2018
Odessa Art Museum in partnership with the National Art Museum of Ukraine and with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation presents an exhibition project «Open collection in an open museum» - «Special fund. Repressed art».

The exhibition features 80 works from the collection of the National Art Museum of Ukraine, which were mothballed in the late 1930s and have been hidden from public view for many decades. The special fund was formed in the State Ukrainian Museum (now NHMU) during 1937 - 1939. It is here from the museums of Kharkov, Odessa, Kiev, Poltava, from the funds of the Ukrainian art exhibition brought works «enemies of the people», «formalists», «nationalists» - those who, according to party ideologues, «distorted reality» and was a threat to «new society».

A significant part of the presented works in Odessa are exhibited for the first time. Alexander Bogomazov and Timofey Boichuk, Vadim Meller and Antonina Ivanova, Oksana Pavlenko and David Burliuk, Pavel Golubyatnikov and Konstantin Eleva, Anatoly Petritsky and Suher-Ber Rybak, Victor Palmov and Abram Cherkassky - more than three dozen names of artists, known and forgotten, whose works in 1937 were, it seemed, forever hidden from viewers - «they have no artistic or museum value, and as the works of the enemies of the people are subject to destruction».

Photo: Duma.net
Galleries at the exhibition