
Belarus • Horad Minsk • born in 1982 • artist
Artist in social media

Biography and information

Born in 1982 in Neustrelitz, Germany. Studied at the Belarusian University of Culture and Arts (BSUKI), International Institute of Economics and Law (IIEL).
Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Belarus. Member of the Union of Designers. Works are in private collections in Russia, China, USA, Italy and Germany.

2022 - Laureate of the Russian Art Week.
Since 2023 - collaborating with Haze Gallery, Berlin.

2020- BelArt, Minsk.
2022 - Russian Art Week.
2022 - Fabrika, Minsk.
2022 - Project "Mirrors , Factory, Minsk.
2022 - "Experience that cannot be passed on", Grodno.
2022 - "World Pop Art" , National Center for Contemporary Arts, Minsk.
2023 - "Artificial Intelligence. Artist or Machine" Museum of Modern Art, Minsk.
2023 - "Jazz. Cats. Spring" National Center of Modern Arts, Minsk.
2023 - "Dreams and Japan", NCSI, Minsk.
2023 - Solo exhibition, Grodno.
2023 - "Beyond the Boundaries of Space" NCSI, Minsk.
2024 - "Vivid", Haze Berlin, Moscow.
2024 - "Art and Money" , Omelchenko Gallery, Moscow.