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Malevich: paintings and stories about his life and work in the new app from Arthive

You hear Malevich`s name and Black Square appears in front of your eyes. As Goethe and Faust, Vivaldi and The Four Seasons, Flaubert and Madame Bovary, Russian avant-garde
Avant-garde is how modern art critics refer the general trend of new artistic directions that arose in world art at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. A very thin line separates it from the concept of “modernism”. Read more
artist and his main work became almost synonymous. Malevich was less fortunate compared to others. Among ordinary people, his painting is often called a hyped daub, and the author, worthless. We decided to right a wrong by telling you about the phenomenon of Malevich and his creative legacy, in which The Black Square is surely the iconic work, but not the only significant one.
Malevich: paintings and stories about his life and work in the new app from Arthive
"Kazimir Malevich" is Arthive`s fifth separate mobile application and the first one to be released simultaneously in English and Russian.
Since mid-summer, we have issued "Ivan Aivazovsky", "Hieronymus Bosch", "Claude Monet" and "Vincent

Since mid-summer, we have issued "Ivan Aivazovsky", "Hieronymus Bosch", "Claude Monet" and "Vincent van Gogh" applications. The guide to Malevich`s life and work, like the others, is available for free.

iPhone version

Android version

Language is defined by your phone settings.

We painstakingly collected the information, trying not to miss anything interesting or important. Now we explode a major misconception that Malevich created The Black Square, because there was nothing else he could paint. He really did not have any art education and of regular education, he only studied two classes of five-year agricultural school. However, Malevich passionately wanted to become an artist, so he took private lessons and learned everything he needed.
Kazimir Malevich. Flower girl
Flower girl
1930, 80×100 cm
It was not at once that he became a Suprematist. In the beginning of the century, Malevich flirted with Impressionism; in early 1910-s, he experimented with Neo-primitivism, Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism…, and at the end of his life the artist created a series of neoclassical portraits, alluded to the works of Italian Renaissance
The Renaissance is the period that began around the 14th century and ended at the late 16th century, traditionally associated primarily with the Italian region. The ideas and images of the Renaissance largely determined the aesthetic ideals of modern man, his sense of harmony, measure and beauty. Read more
Malevich had powerful charisma and was able to imbue others with his ideas. This talent has become evident at the age of 17 in Kursk, where the Malevichs moved. Kazimir took a job as a draftsman in the local railway company. Soon afterwards, painting became a very fashionable and popular hobby in the city, and the first in the history of Kursk annual exhibitions even took place.
The artist was a master of the outrageous. At the exhibition organized by Vladimir Tatlin, where he 

The artist was a master of the outrageous. At the exhibition organized by Vladimir Tatlin, where he was not allowed to put Suprematist works on show, he gave a performance. Malevich made a lot of enemies because of his pranks and harsh judgments. Marc Chagall claimed that he had to leave his native Vitebsk because of Malevich.

Yet in his lifetime, Malevich was very popular in Europe. However, when his works were exhibited in Warsaw and Berlin in 1927, Malevich had no money for the tickets to get there. The officials supported the artist, though not from the first attempt. Fame, alas, did not improve his financial position — the artist needed money until the end of his days.

In "Biography" and "Stories" sections you will find these and other facts about the life and work of Kazimir Malevich: the versions of how The Black Square was created and common misconceptions associated with the painting; quotations of the artist`s fans and critics and even a brief glossary of the author. There are also quotations from Malevich`s philosophical and theoretical treatises, which formed the basis of his new religion, Suprematism.
In "Artworks" section, we collected almost 400 reproductions to illustrate the diverse heritage of the artist. Eleven most important paintings by Malevich are accompanied by detailed editorial abstracts. The main motives of the artist`s creativity can be traced in the collections (all squares, crosses, circles, faceless paintings etc.)
You can sort the artworks by style, genre, subject and other parameters. You can see all the images, for example, from the collection of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.
Even if you are not among the connoisseurs of the artist’s work, the app will be interesting and use

Even if you are not among the connoisseurs of the artist’s work, the app will be interesting and useful to you. It is impossible to imagine the Avant-garde history without Malevich.

Updates (new artworks and their abstracts, new stories, information about exhibitions etc.) are displayed on the main screen of the app. We add information to "Kazimir Malevich" app, and you will immediately know about it.

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