National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea

National Museum of Modern Art in Seoul - National Museum in South Korea, opened on November 13, 2013. It is one of the three branches of the National Museum of Modern Art of Korea, which was founded in 1969, and in addition to Seoul has branches in Gwacheon and Toksugun.

The exhibition features more than 7,000 works of contemporary art, most of which are authored by Korean artists, among which are Pak Sugyna, Ko Khidona and Kim Hwangi.

At the same time, the museum has a significant collection of works by masters from all over the world, among others there are works: Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Georg Baselitz, Jörg Immendorf, Marcus Luperz, Nicky de Saint-Fall, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Jonathan Borowski and others.

Museum site.
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