Triumph of eve

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich • Painting, 1969, 112×244 cm
About the artwork
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Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Portrait, Nude, Religious scene
Technique: Tempera
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1969
Size: 112×244 cm
Content 18+
Artwork in collection: Svyatoslav N. Roerich Oleg

Description of the artwork «Triumph of eve»

"The triumph of eve" - a complex composition and the colors work. In the center of the canvas - a modern, refined Eva. "The forbidden fruit" She felt his victorious March around the world. And what about the world? - The "serpent tempter" - she closes her eyes from pleasure. The bloom, blooming only in the night time. Owl, witness the night of the incident. In the distance, on the sandy beach, on the sand. Eyes with hands. This is a collection of monkeys, which was kept on his desktop. It is not clear, it is not clear, it is not clear. But how behaves in this complicated situation, Adam? (...) Adam recoils from his betrothed "half". It only blatant hedonism ... and no secrets. Everything to the limit just and naked.

PF Belikov. Svetoslav Roerich. Life and work, p. 209