Mosaic Art

340 artworks, 141 artists
Mosaic (fr. mosaïque, it. mosaico from lat. (opus) musivum — (artwork) dedicated to muses) is a technique of monumental representation or surface decoration through attaching pieces of material, which is heterogeneous in origin, color, and texture, to a base. This type of art stimulates human consciousness to aesthetic and emotional realization of reality by combining individual heterogeneous fragments into a single picture. The perception of a mosaic artwork requires some creative and thoughtful work: “to look and to see”.

Mosaic paintings were popular in the antiquity; they served as floor decoration of the temples, they were used in decorating fountains and houses of wealthy citizens. The Renaissance artists lost interest in fragmentary decoration and preferred painting. At the end of the 18th century, fine art experts became interested in ancient technology again: the advent of classicism brought jewelry and mosaic miniatures of precious stones into fashion. Russian artists adorned the churches and tsars’ tombs with Orthodox mosaic icons. The Art Nouveau artists created giant mosaics to decorate walls and ceilings of cathedrals, universities, metro stations, and façades. In the second half of the 20th century, mosaics were used to decorate living quarters — this type of art became available.

Artists can use mosaics to depict portraits, landscapes, genre or allegorical scenes. Mosaic materials are divided by the source of origin: natural — precious and semiprecious stones, pebbles, shells, and artificial — enamel, smalt, plastics. An artist collects an image of thin layers cut along the image outline, or miniature cubes. Mosaic layout creates an amazing play of light and shadow. However, it does not stint the master in surface size, but requires professionalism in execution. Therefore, mosaic art attracts and excites viewers even today.

Famous mosaic works:
The scenes from the life of the Virgin 1291 by Pietro Cavallini; Mosaic of the Cathedral of Pisa 1301 by Cenni di Pepo (Cimabue); “Peter the First” 1754 by Mikhail Lomonosov; “Garden of Dreams” 1916 by Louis Comfort Tiffany; “The Victory of Law and Justice” 1950 by Jean Delville.

Famous mosaic artists:
Raffaello Sanzio, Pietro Cavallini, Cenni di Pepo Cimabue, Mikhail Lomonosov, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Gustav Klimt.