"Who is loves in life to look angry, gloomy face? What for to transfer to the canvas unpleasant which remains unchanged, why make a bad impression, to arouse painful memories in loving this person? Let they see it and remember the happy days of life" - the purpose of the portrait was sincerely convinced not only the artist Tropinin. Fashionable, and adored in Russia sentimental babies and raise the eyes to heaven, girls in transparent tunics
Jean-Baptiste Greuze more recently prevailed at court and to set the tone
Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun. All these foreigners have raised the artistic taste of the Russian audience. Could the Frenchman with mediocre abilities to make a fortune in Russia, executing portraits of distinguished customers. While the Russian artist its origin regardless of the value of talent is no good promised neither fame nor money.
One senior lady a little crazy, when she recommended that exceptionally talented portrait painter Tropinin. She felt the Italian surname Tropine. When Vasily came to her house for the first session, the lady was indignant – the usual Russian artist. And pushed him away.
"The Lacemaker" the artist writes, when the visitor from Europe sentimentalism dissolves into the new mood and it's almost ready to be sweet, touching, but loses relevance and value of the hobby. After the war of 1812 changing the position of Russian artists and the Russian General And "the Lacemaker" - a kind of harmonious final chord in honor of sentimentalism.
Seamstress, spinner, lace Tropinin (
4) is entirely pretty, big-eyed, young beauties, easily, skillfully and happily doing their fine job, radiating calm and devoid of household, weight nekrasivska. The artist saw, of course, blind lace and humpbacked, with crooked fingers women, tired and crippled their work. He wrote of their faces and bent shapes – but only sketches in a notebook. Then, in the early nineteenth century, he never could come to make this truth a picture – such an art had a little more time.
"The Lacemaker" recently received a free Tropinin presented at the Academy of arts with two other paintings for the rank of academician and, of course, focused on the dominant there tastes. But this does not mean that the artist went to some creative compromises. The "Lace" has a predecessor – the portraits of Ukrainian girls
3), written during the artist's life in the village Kukavka at the hem. And compared to them has changed just the level of artistic precision and subtlety in the artist's work, otherwise he is loyal to those vivid impressions which he received years of passionate daily life-drawing.
The picture made a great impression on the judges and connoisseurs of art. Tropinin declared "appointed academician", and a year later was awarded the title of academician, which he politely declined.
Author: Anna Sidelnikova