Vladimirovna Polyushkevich

Russia • born in 1974
Ordering an artwork
Characteristics for awarding a certificate of merit
Polushkevich Natalia has a higher education, in 2012 awarded a master's degree in "Pedagogy", in 1998 she graduated with honors from the Novgorod Regional College of Arts, qualification - Head of the studio of artistic fabric painting (batik).
Total pedagogical experience - 20 years. She has been working in this educational institution since 10.09.1998 up to the present time.
Natalya Vladimirovna is a teacher of the highest qualification category, has general and professional competencies that ensure the effective performance of professional tasks that arise in real teaching situations.
It is characterized by a constant desire to improve, to acquire more and more new knowledge and skills, to enrich activities, to develop professionally.
Natalya has a set of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and subject knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, motivation and personal qualities necessary for quality performance of educational and methodological activities.
Has knowledge in the field of the taught subject, has a high level of orientation in modern research on it, owns the methods of teaching and is able to choose and develop the necessary technology and methodology for a particular educational process.
Has a high level of students' mastering of the educational program by specialty 54.02.02 "Decorative and applied art and folk crafts" type - Artistic fabric painting, consistently high results of the final certification (100% of students final certification for "5") as he/she knows modern educational technologies, methods and effectively applies them in the practical professional activities. In the learning process actively applies knowledge of the basic compositional laws and concepts in the design and execution of products of artistic painting on fabric.
Natalya reveals the potential of students, is able to develop individually-oriented educational projects, in pedagogical activities she combines theoretical knowledge with a vision of its practical application, which is a prerequisite for establishing the personal significance of learning. Provides the possibility of effective assimilation of knowledge and formation of skills provided by the program. Provides an individual approach and the development of a creative personality.
Natalya is personally involved in many creative events and projects. She has been an expert of the National Professional Skills Championship for people with disabilities "Abilimpix" since 2017, participates in the popularization of the cultural heritage of Russia: in the cultural and educational campaign "Night of Museums 2017", is two years in a row(2017-2018 and 2018-2019) winner of the social project "Active Generation" with the project "New Professions of the Third Age", participant of the Silver Volunteers Forum "New Traditions".
Natalia Vladimirovna is active in exhibition activities. In 2019 she held a personal exhibition "Batik and I", is the winner of the first degree of the fourth International Festival of Arts "Secret of Success" of the first degree , her students participate in international, all-Union, regional regional and city exhibitions.
The success of Natalya's pedagogical activity depends largely on the ability and ability to mobilize her own efforts for systematic mental work, to build her activity rationally, to manage her emotional and psychological state to use her potential, to be creative.
V. Spolokhova.
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