Dmitrievich Buchkin

Russia • 1886−1965


The volunteer at the Academy of arts from 1904 to 1912 November 1, 1912 – the title of the artist's etchings and foreign pensionerstvo.


In 1899, thirteen-year-old Buchkin entered the Central school of technical drawing of Baron Stieglitz in St. Petersburg (professors A. N. Novoskoltsev,

V. E. Savinsky, N. R. Koshelev, V. V. Matai, P. B. Lambin), and in 1904 the Academy of fine arts (graduated in 1912). In 1914 he became a member of the Society's behalf Arkhip Kuindzhi.

According to A. A. Rylov, "lively bar" Buchkin "ruthlessly sends the resemblance."

In 1921 – 1930 Buchkin in charge of the artistic and technical editorship of children's publishing house "rainbow". From 1936 to 1940 he taught at the Academy of arts, and was a lecturer and then as Professor of drawing.

From 1947 until the end of his life P. D. Buchkin headed the Department of monumental painting of the Leningrad higher school of industrial art behalf of Vera Mukhina.

Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1956).

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