The elder brother of the artist Vladimir Andrievich. Born in D. Verzhbolovo, Suwalki lips. in a military family. Childhood and teenage years were spent in Kursk. From an early age showed an aptitude for drawing. Studied in Moscow and in Kursk (proletarian art), as well as in private studios, including M. N. Yakimenko-Zabuhy. In 1928 he moved to Leningrad, where he worked in the field of industrial graphics: industrial poster, movie posters, labels, trademarks. Some works of A. exhibited at the all-Union chamber of Commerce in Moscow, the chamber of Commerce of Leningrad. With 1947 he became a member of the Leningrad regional Union of Soviet artists. In the postwar years A. worked as a graphic designer of books. In Leningrad in the series "Library student" they had been issued many books of Western classics and contemporary Soviet writers. In the 1950s A. was convicted in the "Leningrad case" and spent 5 years in prison. Was later rehabilitated. Since the 1960s, worked in the publishing house "Art", "Soviet writer", "Muzgiz", "Artist of the Russian Federation", "Moscow". They were decorated with the jubilee album "Mari embroidery", "Mordovian fine arts" etc. Continued to work in the area of the poster. The work of A. received high praise from the critics and marked in the book "the Art of book design" (1966). A special success of the books: "anthology of Estonian poetry", "Russian prose of the XVIII century", "Andulis and Aria" Janis Rainis. A. was a member of the Kursk poets Union, actively participating in its activities. He wrote poems, but they, with rare exceptions, were not published.
(the author - A. Bugrov Y.)