Mikhailovich Antonov

Russia • born in 1924

Biography and information

30.11.1924 was born in Moscow.

On the front from 1942 to 1945. Fought in the 10th division of the RVGK by 1-m the Ukrainian front, as a Sergeant, the gun commander. Participated in the liberation of the cities of Orel, Kiev, Chernihiv, Korosten, Sandomierz.

In 1945 he was wounded. The invalid of II group.

After the war he entered the art-graphic faculty of the Moscow state polygraphic Institute named Potemkin. 3rd course left for creative work.

In 1954 participates in Russian and foreign exhibitions.

Works of the artist are in the State Tretyakov gallery, the Museum of city history of Moscow, etc., in private collections in the country and abroad.

Awarded the order Patriotic war of I degree and "an Honour Sign", medals "For courage", "For military merit", "For labor valor", "100 years since the birth of Georgi Dimitrov"; an honorary badge of the Soviet Committee of veterans.

Honored artist of the RSFSR. Member of artists Union (since 1956).

Lives in Moscow.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Honored artist of the RSFSR

born November 30, 1924 in Moscow.

From 1936 to 1941, he studied at the Moscow secondary art school. At the end of the school Konstantin Antonov received a recommendation for admission to the Moscow state art Institute, later named after V. I. Surikov, and was admitted without exams.

Few weeks the Great Patriotic war. Konstantin refuses evacuation in Samarkand and in the direction of the Komsomol sent to dig trenches near Smolensk. Upon returning to Moscow he goes to the military enlistment office with a request to send him to the front. Three times the Commissar refused him, she lacked a few months to eighteen, and only on the fourth time agreed to send persistent young man in a three-month course for Junior commanders. Konstantin Mikhailovich Antonov went through the war. Fought on Central and 1st Ukrainian fronts. Was a Sergeant, the gun commander.

Antonov awarded the order Patriotic war of I degree and "an Honour Sign", medals "For courage", "For military merit", "For labour valour".

And the Victory had to meet in the hospital near Gorky, where he lay after being wounded. For months the doctors fought for his life many times he was on the verge of death. Defeated life, but how bitter it was to realize that in twenty years an invalid.

After the war Konstantin Antonov studied at the Moscow city pedagogical Institute. V. P. Potemkin at the art-graphic faculty.

Since that time he became a permanent participant of Moscow, Republican, all-Union and foreign exhibitions. Painting by Konstantin Antonov is sincerity, spirituality, and coloristic richness and originality.

The artist works in different genres: known for his thematic paintings, portraits, still lifes, and landscapes. He travels a lot on his canvases, Siberia and the Baltic States, France and Spain...

Since 1960 – member of the artists Union of the USSR.

From 1968 to 1972, he was elected a member of the Presidium and of the Board of Moscow Union of artists.

Konstantin Mikhailovich Antonov included in the collection of the State Tretyakov gallery, the Tomsk regional art Museum and other art galleries both domestic and abroad: Italy, Poland, Bulgaria, Canada, South Korea, Japan.

  • Artworks liked by
    2 users
  • Artworks in 1 collection and 2 selections
  • Styles of art
  • Techniques
    Oil, Print
  • Art forms
    Painting, Poster
  • Learning