Dmitrievich Bysti

Russia • born in 1953

He was born 23 APR 1953 in Mytischi Moscow region in the family of the artist Bisti Dmitry Spiridonovich. In 1970 he graduated from children's art school, Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow, where he studied in the class, So Stop. In 1971 he entered the Moscow Polygraphic Institute and studied for the teachers of the P. G. Zakharov, V. N. Lyakhov, A. D. Goncharov, graduated in 1976. After serving in the army (1976-1977) was a freelance artist in Moscow publishing houses. Since 1978 participant of Moscow, all-Russian and international exhibitions.Since 1984 a member of the Moscow Union of Artists.

The works are in the collections of the Museum of fine arts..With.Pushkin (Engraving office,Moscow), State Hermitage ( Saint Petersburg), Artistic art gallery (Moscow), National Bank of Greece and in private collections in Russia, USA, Greece, France, Switzerland, Japan, Korea, Denmark, Bulgaria, Poland.


1984 XI Biennale of applied graphics. Brno. Czechoslovakia.

The prize of Moravian Committee for illustrations to the stories of Anton Chekhov.

1986 State of the Sevastopol art Museum. Sevastopol.

1991 Cultural center of the island. Rhodes. Greece.

1995 Cultural centre of Athens. Greece. (with E. Black)

1995 cultural Center "ostozh'e". Moscow. (with E. Black and L. Okinai).

1995 the Eighth international Biennale of printed graphics. Varna. Bulgaria.

1996 Gallery "Krosna". Moscow. (with E. Black)

1997 State Institute Of Art. Moscow. (with E. Black)

1997 Artmaneg. Moscow.

1998 Cultural-historical center of "Slavic". Moscow.

1998 Gallery "Cranich". Zurich. Switzerland. (with E. Black)

1999 Gallery "Hofstatt". Freak. Switzerland.

2000 Gallery "Werner Küng". Basel. Switzerland.

2000 Artmaneg. Moscow

2000 Moscow international forum of art initiatives. Moscow

2001 Moscow international forum of art initiatives. Moscow.

2002 Moscow international forum of art initiatives. Moscow

2003-Gallery "De Grouchy". They. France.

2003 Moscow international forum of art initiatives. Moscow

2004 Moscow international forum of art initiatives. Moscow

2005 international Biennale of graphics of the Baltic sea

"Kaliningrad—Koenigsberg". Kaliningrad.

2005 Moscow international forum of art initiatives. Moscow

2006 Exhibition of 19 artists. Literary-memorial Museum

F. M. Dostoevsky. Saint-Petersburg. From the collection of the publishing house "Vita Nova".

2006 Moscow international forum of art initiatives. Moscow

2006 State Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka. Exhibition of book

graphics from the collection of the publishing house "Vita Nova". Moscow.

2006 Solo exhibition "Toolkit". Galerea "Movie". Moscow.

2006 Artmaneg. Moscow.

2006 New acquisitions of the Department of graphics of the Pushkin Museum. Of A. S. Pushkin. Moscow.

2007 Art-Athina, international art fair, Athens, Greece.

2007 Artmaneg. Moscow.

2008 The Gallery "Cinema".

2009 Art-metal (in the framework of MetallStroyForum VVC). Moscow.

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