Ivanovich Verkhoturov

Russia • 1863−1944

Student of the Academy of Arts from 1901 till 1907; October 31, 1907 - the title of the artist for the painting "the Dispute about the sign of the cross." (Kondakov)

(5.12.1863, s. Monastyrskoe Zab. lips. — 21.2.1944, Moscow), painter. Studied in nerchinskij-religious school. The first drawing lessons received from Nerchinsk of the artist-teacher PN. Ryazantseva. In 1889 he graduated from the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture with the title of class artist. Participated in exhibitions since 1886. Lived in Irkutsk (1889-1901), where, together with artist M. A. Rudchenko-Korotkoruchko attempted to open a drawing school. In St. Petersburg he graduated from the Imperial Academy of Arts (1907, workshop of I. E. Repin). Participant of all-Russian Congress of artists (Dec. 1911 — Jan. 1912). The organizer of the "Community of artists" (1910). In the 1910s abroad painted a series of portraits of "Old revolutionaries". In 1917-26 lived in Zab., member. the editorial Board of the magazine "Theater and art", one of the founders in Chita On society of lovers of fine arts. Having moved to Moscow, worked in the Polytechnical Museum. Had 14 registered patents. Major works: "the Propaganda in the working circle" (1906), "Chained to the car" (1906), "1905" ("the eyewitness", 1907), "Calculate" ("Before the strike", 1910) and other Paintings are exhibited in museums of Moscow, in the Irkutsk region art Museum, COHM and CHARM, and in private collections.

(Manakova E. G.)

Lit.: Manakova E. G. Gift countrymen // Zab. worker. — 1987. — 30 Aug.; Calendar of memorable dates Cheat. . in 1990 — Chita, 1989.

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