Oskarovich Vecozols

Latvia • born in 1933

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

He graduated in 1954, Riga secondary school of arts of J. Rozentals and in 1960 the Department of painting at the Latvian Academy of arts (where he studied with K. Ubans) with thesis "On the railway embankment" (under the guidance of E. Kalnins).

The artist has participated in exhibitions since 1958. Main exhibitions: in Paris, Bordeaux, Strasbourg (1993), Bristol, Winchester, London (UK, 1993, together with V. L. Selsam and Anzelini), Rome (1999).

Solo exhibitions: Tartu (1974, together with L. Anzelini), Madona (1977), in the Dale are (1982, together with V. Ozols), in Riga (1983, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999), in Kaunas (1984), Koknese (1985), in Mainz (Germany, 1994), in Edinburgh (UK, 2000).

I. Vecozols was a member of the Union of artists since 1962, he also was a member of the International artists Association "B13" (1992 – 1997).

The artist worked as a teacher at Riga secondary school of applied arts (1960 – 67), he taught at podgotovlennyh courses of the Latvian Academy of arts (1967 – 73), was a senior lecturer in the Department of painting (1967 – 73) was designated by the Professor (1973), associate Professor (1982), and headed the Studio of easel painting (1982), Professor (since 1989), master of arts (1992).

I. Vecozols awarded the title of Honored artist of the Latvian SSR (1981), won the first prize in the competition which organizovala the Ministry of culture of the Lithuanian SSR (1981), also received a medal and diploma of the Union of artists (1983) and became a life fellow KKF (1999).