Yakovlevich Volodin

Russia • born in 1913

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

(1913, p. bol'shoy Karay, Saratov region – 1986, Moscow)

At the age of 12 arrives in Rostov-on-don, working on the construction of the Rostov dam. Showing himself with positive

hand, he was assigned to technical school.

In 1930, entered the Moscow art school of memory 1905 (teacher S. Frolov),

where translated in the Moscow Art Institute, where he studied with K. Istomin, G. Fedorov, M. Shemyakin,

S. Gerasimov. In 1938, with the assistance of Igor Grabar takes a job at the Central State restoration workshops, in parallel studies at the Moscow textile Institute, from which he graduated in 1941.

During the second world war – sapper 162 separate engineering battalion. Awarded the medal "For defense of Moscow". After dem

mobilisatie until 1947 working in the Moscow operetta theater designer. In the early 1950s began to work in the picturesque works of the Moscow Union of Artists.

The main works of the artist include: "Moscow's military" (1965), "Grand theatre" (1970), "Liberation" (1979), "Moscow. Old years" (1980).

Solo exhibitions were held in Moscow (1975, 1980).

Works are kept in art museums of the former USSR.