Vladimirovich Dmitriev

Russia • 1900−1948

Biography and information

Theatre. artist, painter, honored. worker of arts of RSFSR (1944). He studied at Petrograd. Somase (1918-21) under K. Petrov-Vodkin. Became famous after making a series of performances of the Moscow art Theater in the early 1930s. He also worked in Leningrad. t-arts, at the Bolshoi theatre, Moscow. t-re im. Vakhtangov. One of the close friends of Mikhail Bulgakov. The Winner Of The St. St. (1946-twice, 1948, 1949 - ..).

In his younger years, Vladimir Dmitriev was closely associated with two outstanding masters of Russian art - painter K. S. Petrov-Vodkin and Director Meyerhold. In Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin he studied in Petrograd at a private art school E. N. Zvantseva arts (1916-17), then in Petrograd GShM (1918-21) and became his devoted admirer. In Meyerhold in Petrograd he was doing experimental theater Studio at Borodino (1916-17) and a Course mastery of stage productions (1918) and was also his ardent fan. These circumstances influenced the choice of career: a great painter, Dmitriev fully and clearly expressed himself as a theater artist. The first success Dmitrieva was associated with the historical performance of Meyerhold "Zori" Verhaeren E. (1920). But you started a creative collaboration did not continue, mainly because of the complexity of the nature of play: great sketches for the "Inspector" by N. Gogol (1926) was not realized on the stage, and in 1930 between the Director and the artist was the final break with a painful experienced Dmitriev. His best works of the 1920s was created for the musical theater of Leningrad and Moscow. Vivid picturesqueness, the sharpness innovative stage solutions and sensitivity to musical brought fame to such performances as "Love to three oranges" by Prokofiev (1926), "Boris Godunov" by M. Mussorgsky (1928) and especially "the Queen of spades" by P. I. Tchaikovsky (1931), the scenery which deservedly considered a classic. Musical theatre Dmitriev did not leave afterwards, but his main work of the 1930s was associated predominantly with a dramatic scene, and mainly with the Theater. The relationship of the artist with this theatre was difficult: the play "bride" for which Dmitriev has made beautiful sketches (1928), was not delivered, and the sketches for the dramatization of "Dead souls" (1930-31) was even rejected because of their unusual courage in the interpretation of the poem N. V. Gogol. Still, in 1930, was successfully held in the scenery of the play "the Resurrection" based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy, and it is in the design Dmitriev was carried out all stage productions of the Moscow art Theater of the 1930s: "Enemies" by M. Gorky (1937), "Anna Karenina" based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy (1937), "Three sisters" by A. Chekhov (1940). In them, as in the famous play "Yegor Bulychov and others" by M. Gorky, staged in the Theater. EVG. Vakhtangov (1932), the artist used the techniques of realistic depiction of the scene, by that time fully prevailed in Soviet theater, but it skillfully avoided the danger of falling into the naturalistic and proposed solutions, characterized by strong expressiveness. The Union with the Moscow art theatre was so strong that Dmitriev moved to Moscow (1938) and became the chief artist of the theatre, at first, and since 1941, and officially. The following work appears in dramatic and musical theatres of Moscow and Leningrad - the scenery for "the Last sacrifice" by A. N. Ostrovsky (1944), "the Great Emperor" by V. S. Soloviev (1945), "War and peace" by S. Prokofiev (1946) and others testified about the new features of his talent, but a serious illness interrupted the life of the artist.

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