Davidovich Drize

Russia • 1909−2010

Biography and information

B. 1909, Orel province. He studied at the Moscow art-industrial College (1927-1931), in INGS them. I. E. Repin (early 1930s), the Institute of advanced studies at the Moscow Art Institute (1936-1939) from B. V. Johanson, K. F. Juon. After the war, visited the Studio of Robert Falk. Exhibitor exhibitions from 1941 to 1959, a member of Mosh. Working under orders of the Works of pictorial Art in Moscow. Portraits of aircraft designers, old Bolsheviks, Heroes of Socialist Work, themed paintings. Master of lyrical landscape. I. D. drize are at the Scientific-memorial Museum of N. E. Zhukovsky (Moscow), in private collections in Russia and abroad.

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1909 in the city of Pochep of the Bryansk province. He studied at the art school at the Academy of arts in Leningrad and at the Institute of advanced training of artists in Moscow Art Institute (1936-1939) in B. Johansson and L. Kramarenko, in the early 50-ies visited the Studio R. Falk, member of Moscow Union of artists since 1957. Worked in TSAGI and in the Works of pictorial Art in Moscow. Participant of all-Union and Moskovsky exhibitions. In 2005. in the Central house of artists held a joint exhibition of works by A. Sofronova and I. drize, organized by the gallery vellum. I. drize – portrait artist, although more famous for its warm landscapes and still lifes, rich light air and light. Hundreds of portraits of his contemporaries was written by the artist during his long life. Of these portraits could be a whole gallery of people who lived in Russia in the last century. Unfortunately, the majority of the artworks have never been exhibited at a wide view. Paintings of Isaac drize are in museums and private collections in Russia, France, USA, Israel and Korea.