Ivanovich Efimov

Russia • born in 1960

Biography and information

Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1990. participant of major art projects, such as exhibitions in the Russian Museum –"ABSTRACTION in RUSSIA. The twentieth-CENTURY" (2001) and "COLLAGE in RUSSIA. THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY. (2005), by the way, after the first exhibition of his 4th monotypes have appeared in collections of the Russian Museum.

Artist, curator.

Main specialization - painting, graphic, syncretic art. And also cinema, literature, art theory, teaching.

A member of the Saint Peterburgskogo of the Union of Artists since 1990. Artist painter. The author of theoretical investigation : "PAINTING - WRITING (Origins; influence)", Moscow, 1993 Member of more than 100 domestic and foreign art exhibitions. In particular

2001- "Abstacle in Russia. XX century", State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

2005 - "Collage in Russia. XX century", State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

Four monotypes author are in the collection of the State Russian Museum.

Since the mid 90-ies of the last century, deals with current (conceptual and biased) art.